Happy New Year

I love year end!. Do you know why??.. Coz there a so many Public Holiday. ;) This is my first time celebrating Christmas with my officemate. The arrange gift exchange activities. We are requested to give our wish list to the event coordinator. She then will let us pick a name , a kind on draw. Just pick one then we will get a name code. We will then have to buy a gift for that person. The gift must be at minimum of RM 30.00 and we can even go further if we want. Once we bought the gift, we have to put it under the Christmas tree and wait until the Christmas Lunch. Our Hotel partner sponsored a turkey which is so delicious and my big boss sponsored a Roasted Lamb Leg (extremely yummy). Some bring Salad, Pasta Ala Norma, KFC, brownies and fruits. We enjoy the meals. Cute is'nt is?. A Christmas Cup Cake from hotel partner. After the lunch, we started to open our gift. And below is mine. I wish for a new Rainco...