Trip - Cameron Highland 16/02-18/02/2012

Wow.. last time i post a story here was about 6 months ago.. lol... it is not that i am busy, just no mood for blogging.. but since i have new stories , experiences and lot of pics to share i try my best to find back my mood.. hahaha. For years, I've been traveling outside this country ( just Asian countries) i noticed that there a few interesting places in my own country that i never visit. The places I'm talking about is Cameron Highland, One of the wonders of Malaysia, it is the largest and most famous hill resort in the country. This highland paradise still retains much of the charm of an English village. Being a primarily agricultural domain, you will find an abundance of vegetables and fruits farms here. Cameron Highlands is also the leading producer of flowers and tea in Malaysia. Be prepared for a lovely sight of extraordinary flowers you won’t see flourishing elsewhere in Malaysia! Located on the Titiwangsa Range at about 1500 metres above sea-le...