
Showing posts from August 7, 2012 : Grab our FREE SEATS and fly from Kuala Lumpur to Clark

 Free i realized that i haven't travel out of Malaysia for this year. My last trip was the trip to Medan' Indonesia with my parent last year. i really hope that my next trip will be not to an Asian countries. Australia or New Zealand will be nice too...hehe but the problem is budget!!. the flight ticket fare quite expensive.. Furthermore, it's difficult to find best offer from Airasia as we got last few years.  Beside, not easy to find suitable time for the trip since i started working.  While checking my Facebook wall, i noticed a post from Airasia. A new offer. Free seats!. BUT to Clark, Philipine.  arghh... why Clark??.. Why not Bandung, Indonesia?.. hehehe... My trip to Manila last time not as good as I imagined. It's hard to find halal foods there. Only few cafe and not much choice of menu. Yet, the price so expensive for me...We stayed there for almost a week and it turns to be a miserable week... Luckily , we always bring Instant Noodle...