Medan Trip 20-25/10//2011 - Day 05-06 @ Medan Free & Easy

Last few days, we visited so many places already. From the hill area with cool weather to the City of Medan with hot weather. Unfortunately, our body cannot accept the drastic changes. We started to suffer sore throat, flu and my dad having fever. Luckily, he recover fast after received an injection from a local clinic there. Nothing much to do, we just went back to Pasar Ikan since the first time we've been there most of the shops closed since its weekend. Just windows shopping.We shopped a lot at Samosir Island and Berastagi. Our return flight will depart at 19:00 pm local time and driver will get us from the hotel 2 hours before departure. But, we have to check out before 12:30 pm, so we decided to extend a room till 5pm and move all the luggage there. My parent can rest too since they are not feeling well while my friend and i went to the nearest Mall. Good bye Antares Hotel and Medan............ We arrived in Penang on time . Thanks to...