Double Grill Pan @ Pemanggang Ajaib

Nowadays, everybody keep talking about healthier life style and one way to life a healthier life by using the Double Grill pan in food preparation.It is the perfect solution to start cooking healthy and oil free food without having to give up on your favourite foods. This versatile grill pan able to cook from vegetables, beef, chicken, fish and etc. Cooking with Double Grill Pan became a new trend even in "Kampung" hahaha. Everyday I can see my facebook friends posting and sharing recipies. Before when talking about Grill Pan maybe we can imagine cooking Fish, beef or chicken but now, we can even bake a cake or other Kuih2. Intresting rite. Some more, the price is not expensive as before since we can find many brands for this double grill pan in the market. This is an advantage to us as a customer as we can compare the products and price with choices we have. When i returned to my hometown last month, my mum did asked me to buy 1 for her. At that moment, I t...