Eid Mubarak and Happy 55th National Day to all Malaysian

I guess it is not too late for me to wish Selamat Hari Raya or Eid murabak to all muslims around the world and Happy Merdeka Day to all Malaysia who celebrating this 55th National Day. It's Public Holiday here and i bet everybody have their on plans or ways to celebrate Merdeka and enjoy their holiday. As for me, I decided to stay at home this 3 days and get enough rest. Since last Saturday, I'm not feeling well. It started with Fever. Followed by Flu ..sore throat and cough. Anyway, I'm not interested to join the crowd for the celebration. Prefer to stay at home, surf internet or listen to songs. When return to my home town for Raya Celebration, I managed to bring my Dekstop here. Unfortunately I forgot the speaker and webcam. Since i'm going to stay at home, i better get a new speaker for my dekstop. Only then I can watch movie on my pc. Yesterday, after work, i went to LowYatt Plaza. Heaven of IT products and accessories with lowest price...