Penang Island ( Road Walk/Botanical Garden and Batu Feringghi Night Market)

School holiday has begun \:d/. It is time for holidaying <:-P. All my family went to my brother's house in Penang. We planned to visit a few interesting places in Penang the next day. I'm so excited! \:d/ New places… I will have the opportunity my magical tool @ my digital camera. yes... excited.... happy... that's what I felt at that moment until i realized - I forgot to put my digital camera in my handbag.. :(( . uwaaaaaa... what have i done???... ~x( Am i going to lose the opportunity to capture this interesting moment?... My brother offered me his N73 mobile Phone [-o< .. erm.. better than nothing... N73 mobile camera not too bad.. but my digital camera is better...hahaha :-" ... sorry... Road Walk Penang Road Walk Penang is a place where you could find almost everything that you want. Located at Jalan Dato' Keramat (near Bandaraya Stadium ), this market open from 7 a.m till 2 p.m daily. Long time ago, this place is very popular for those who are lookin...