Different types of coffee

Take a look at the different types of coffees that you can order in a Coffee House. Have you ever wondered what they actually were? Below is a list of the different types of coffees you can order at most Coffee Houses. CaffĂ Latte ...... [caf-AY LAH-tay] Espresso with steamed milk and in some shops, a small cap of foam. It has less foam than a cappuccino. Definitions blur easily here. In Australia: " 'Latte' gets you a _glass_ with a shot of espresso and lots of milk and some foam - half way between a flat white and a cap. Seems to have originated as the breakfast drink of Sydney commuters. Has become infinitely fashionable due to the need for brass glass holders, which only the fashionable coffee houses have (the rest of us wrap the glass in a napkin)" Kenneth Davids, noted coffee author, says that CafĂ au lait is simply the French name for CaffĂ Latte. He states that in Spain, this same drink is called CafĂ con leche ***** CaffĂ Mocha ........ [caf-AY MO...